Hi 👋🏼, I like to build things & teams


🏡 🇲🇽 Head of Product  @ Kredi


💳 🇲🇽 🇨🇴 🇧🇷 Product Tribe Lead (Group Product Manager)

💳 🇲🇽 Country Product Manager  @ Clara (clara.cc)

💳 🇨🇴 Colombia Product Manager  @ Clara (clara.cc/es-co)

💳 🇲🇽 Product Manager  @ Clara (clara.com)

💳 🇲🇽  Engineering Manager  @ Clara (clara.com)

🌯 🇺🇸 Co-founder & CTO  @ Food for All (foodforall.com)

👨🏻‍💻 🇺🇸 Electrical & Software Engineer @ Driblet Labs

👨🏻‍💻 🇺🇸 Software Engineer @ Mesquite Studio


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Just joined Kredi (YC W21) 🚀🏡 as a Head of Product! Stay tuned…

I was I am currently Head of Product (Product Tribe Lead) at Clara, a leading corporate credit card 💳 and expense management solution in Latin America (🇲🇽🇧🇷🇨🇴). I started at Clara as an Engineering Manager, where I led the tech team responsible for all client-facing products. With my engineering background and expertise, I have now taken on a leadership role in developing one of Clara's key client-facing products.

In my previous roles, I have gained extensive experience in both the food and technology industries. As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Co-Founder of Food for All, I played a key role in building a marketplace that connects individuals with surplus, delicious food from restaurants. This reduces food waste and creates an additional revenue stream for local businesses. Prior to that, I worked as a Lead Engineer at Driblet Labs, where I developed a Smart Water Management IoT solution that helps track and conserve water usage.